There seem to be specific instances that make a particular type of movie clearly identifiable as belonging to a certain group. For example, we like to have deserts, gunfights and horses if we watch a western movie, and we may look out for earrings, battleships, sabers and the Jolly Roger when we watch a pirates […]
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Month: January 2013
Hello, Bonjour, Howdy… To all of you … out there: POPCULTUREshelf is here!
And this is where from now on you will find articles on popular culture, book reviews roughly from the fields of cultural studies, American studies, musicology, design, architecture, literary criticism and other stuff that keeps my mind (and yours, I guess) busy. This website usually is being updated every two weeks. However, this may also […]
The Noir Forties: The American People From Victory to Cold War by Richard Lingeman (2012)
Let us put aside for a moment the rather usual and thus “uncritical” approach to the USA in the 1940s and 1950s as a cultural, political and national whole; and now let us try to experience that world through the eyes of a fictional character in a Film Noir. Then we would sense the many […]